French Postal Agreements
The Project
Postal conventions are usually published as part of larger works that include all treaties of a given country over a period of time. As such, it takes a little digging and reading to find all of the postally related agreements that might be in a publication. This is an attempt to list the location of various agreements for France for future reference. I started reading and searching in mid-Spring of 2018 and have not looked at it since that time, but I wanted to put this out so I could freely access it when I wanted. Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
Postal Conventions for France with Other European Entities Prior to UPU
The link below will take a person to an online copy of a treaty book put together by M De Clercq. Volumes will need to be found and linked for many of the conventions listed below.
Recueil des Traites de la France:Tables generale 1713-1885 Index
The list that follows is the beginnings of a list of postal agreements between various European entities and France up to the General Postal Union in 1875. Those that include volume number and page number are referencing a location in the French Treaty Book for which the link is given.
Countries with a link have a post on this site highlighting the mails between France and that country. Take the link if you wish to read the article I am working on for that topic.
Feb 3, 1871 - postal accord, vol X p 423
Mar 10, 1871 - postal convention vol X p 445
Feb 12, 1872 - convention de post vol X p 555
Aug 10, 1817 - postal convention vol III p 86
Mar 9, 1825 - postal convention vol III p 356
Apr 16, 1831 - postal convention vol IV p 76
Dec 7, 1842 - additional articles vol IV p 661
May 18, 1843 - additional articles vol V p 62
Nov 30, 1843 - postal convention vol V p 134
Sep 3, 1857 - postal convention vol VII p 305
Feb 12, 1869 - additional articles vol X p 258
Sep 29, 1824 - postal convention vol III p 321
Apr 26, 1834 - postal directives? vol IV p 267
Aug 20, 1835 - additional articles vol IV p 310
Feb 10, 1846 - postal convention vol V p 414
Oct 14, 1856 - postal convention vol VII p 167
Nov 27, 1867 - additional articles vol IX p 784
Nov 24, 1828 - postal convention vol III p 519
Jun 25, 1845 - postal convention vol V p 299
Sep 15, 1846 - additional articles vol V p 454
May 16, 1821 - postal convention vol III p 250
May 15, 1847 - postal convention vol V p 495
Mar 19, 1858 - postal convention vol VII p 375
May 9, 1863 - additional articles vol VIII p 579
Oct 17, 1867 - additional articles vol IX p 751
Jul 5, 1835 - postal arrangement vol IV p 306
May 27, 1836 - postal convention vol IV p 347
Sep 19, 1840 - additional articles vol IV p 589
May 11, 1841 - additional articles vol IV p 596
Sep 13, 1841 - additional articles vol IV p 602
Sep 1, 1844 - additional articles vol V p 199
Dec 6, 1845 - additional articles vol V p 410
Apr 11, 1846 - additional articles vol V p 447
Nov 3, 1847 - postal convention vol V p 557
Apr 27, 1849 - postal convention vol V p 627
Aug 16, 1854 - additional articles vol VI p 457
Dec 3, 1857 - postal convention vol VII p 346
May 1, 1861 - additional articles vol VIII p 227
Feb 27, 1865 - additional articles vol IX p 178
Mar 1, 1865 - convention relating t o the post vol IX p 185
Sep 25, 1865 - additional articles vol IX p 182
May 27, 1867 - postal convention vol IX p 714
Apr 1, 1849 - postal convention vol V p 624
Aug 5, 1859 - postal convention vol VII p 624
Mar 23, 1870 - additional articles vol X p 345
Franco-Sardinian Convention of Nov 9, 1850
Franco-Sardinian Convention of 1860
Mar 3, 1869 - postal convention vol X p 262
Postal Convention of November 25, 1849
Postal Convention of March 22, 1865
1868 Dutch-Franco postal convention