Welcome to this week's edition of Postal History Sunday (PHS), which I have offered on the Genuine Faux Farm blog and the GFF Postal History blog since August of 2020. PHS is an opportunity for me to share a hobby I enjoy. My intent is to make what I write here accessible to anyone who might wish to visit. In other words, you need not be an avid postal historian to participate. If you just find some of this mildly interesting, but have no desire to dig any deeper than one of these posts, this is for you. On the other hand, if you are also a postal historian who loves to do your own digging, I try to write in a way that includes plenty that should interest you as well. These posts are for you too!
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Incoming! - Postal History Sunday
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Welcome to this week's edition of Postal History Sunday (PHS), which I have offered on the Genuine Faux Farm blog and the GFF Postal History blog since August of 2020. PHS is an opportunity for me to share a hobby I enjoy. My intent is to make what I write here accessible to anyone who might wish to visit. In other words, you need not be an avid postal historian to participate. If you just find some of this mildly interesting, but have no desire to dig any deeper than one of these posts, this is for you. On the other hand, if you are also a postal historian who loves to do your own digging, I try to write in a way that includes plenty that should interest you as well. These posts are for you too!